Impersonation of Temasek in Vietnam
(Updated on 31 January 2025)
We have been alerted to a scam in Vietnam that involves the impersonation of Temasek.
The scammers fraudulently claim to represent Temasek in Vietnam and are soliciting money from individuals on the basis of receiving bookings and deposits for CapitaLand’s residential project, Lumi Hanoi. They are also using fake Temasek name cards.
This is a scam and is not associated with Temasek in any way. Pham Kim Anh is not and has never been an employee of Temasek. Temasek does not directly sell any investment products or financial instruments in Vietnam. We have not authorised any third party to do so on our behalf.
If you have been contacted by the scammers, you may wish to inform the relevant authorities as soon as possible.
Please exercise care and diligence when dealing with parties purporting to represent or be associated with Temasek. Take steps to confirm their authenticity and authority to act.
Temasek does not assume or accept responsibility for any transactions conducted with the impersonators.
We regularly publish alerts concerning detected scams, impersonations and misinformation at our newsroom at