
Our Purpose, Charter, and Values


Our Guiding Purpose: Why We Exist 

Being a Purpose-driven organisation gives us alignment and direction in the face of uncertain and complex times.

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Our Purpose Statement

So Every Generation Prospers

We aspire to help every generation thrive by empowering the well-being of our people, portfolio companies, partners, communities, and the planet we share as a common home. Importantly, we see the responsibility to do this not just for today’s, but also for future generations.

Our Purpose Principles underpin why we do what we do, highlighting our unique strengths as a firm. 

We invest in human potential

We actively embrace diverse perspectives and skill sets, empowering the linear and lateral thinking of our people to realise their fullest potential both individually and collectively.


We catalyse solutions

Problem-solving with agility and investing with integrity, we mobilise financial, human, natural, and social capital to transform complex challenges into opportunities. 

We build with courage

With conviction and courage, we turn ambition into actions that chart the course for those who come next.

We grow for generations

We steward and grow our portfolio, communities and the future, creating positive outcomes that will outlive us all. 


Our Temasek Charter: Who We Are and What We Do

Guides our day-to-day decision-making

Temasek is a global investment company rooted in Singapore.  
Operating on commercial principles, 
we deliver sustainable returns over the long term. 

As stewards of our assets,  
we engage our portfolio companies
to enhance shareholder value and advocate good governance practices.
Together, we contribute to the uplifting of the communities
in which we operate.  

We invest in human potential,
build with courage, and catalyse solutions,
with sustainability at the core of what we do.  

In all these, we seek to Do Well, Do Right, and Do Good. 
Doing things today with tomorrow in mind,  
So Every Generation Prospers.  

Our MERITT Values

We are guided by our MERITT values and strive to do well, do right, and do good. 


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