
Group Statements​ of Changes in Equity​

In S$ billion

    Attributable to Equity Holder of the Company

Share Capital
and Other Reserves
Revenue Reserve Currency Translation Reserve Non-controlling Interests Total
Balance at 31 March 2022                         89.9                      273.0                         (5.6)                56.4              413.7
Profit/(loss) for the year                           –                         (7.3)                           –                 3.8                (3.5)
Others, net1                           5.6                         (3.3)                         (5.8)                 (6.5)                 (10.0)
Balance at 31 March 2023                         95.5                      262.4                         (11.4)               53.7              400.2
Profit for the year                           –                         5.4                           –                 3.5                8.9
Others, net1                           6.5                         (3.4)                         (0.4)                 (2.7)                 -
Balance at 31 March 2024                        102.0                      264.4                         (11.8)               54.5              409.1
1 Comprise movements during the financial year including but not limited to:
    - Issuance of ordinary shares;
    - Change in fair value of financial assets;
    - Dividends to shareholder;
    - Share of associates and joint ventures' reserves; and
    - Currency translation differences.

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