
Sustainability Performance Data

(for year ended 31 March)

Metric Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Greenhouse Gas Emissions            
Total portfolio emissions
(Scope 1 and Scope 2)
million tCO2e 30 30 26 27 21
Portfolio carbon intensity tCO2e/S$M
portfolio value
130 103 81 93 73
Portfolio weighted average carbon intensity tCO2e/S$M
* * 119 116 92
*  Information not available/measured in previous years. 
Metric Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Greenhouse Gas Emissions            
Scope 1 emissions from company vehicles tCO2e * * 9 5 23
Scope 2 emissions from electricity (location-based) tCO2e 2,467      2,286 2,348 2,373 2,409
Scope 2 emissions from electricity (market-based)1 tCO2e 2,467 2,286 2,348 915 501
Scope 3 emissions tCO2e 21,090 1,222 4,125 10,560 18,554

Business travel

tCO2e 19,929 323 2,782 8,473 15,850

Corporate events

tCO2e 1,161 # 21 513 905

Data centres

tCO2e * 725 1,139 1,338 1,554

Employee commute

tCO2e * 174 183 236 245

Waste generated

tCO2e * # # # #
Total absolute emissions1 tCO2e 23,557 3,508 6,482 11,480 19,078
Purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and carbon credits            

Purchased RECs to reduce Scope 2 emissions from electricity

tCO2e (1,458) (1,908)

Purchased carbon credits

tCO2e (23,557) (3,508) (6,482) (11,480) (19,078)
Total emission intensity tCO2e/employee 28.8 4.2 7.4 12.0 19.0

Scope 1 emission intensity

tCO2e/employee * * # # #

Scope 2 emission intensity (market-based)

tCO2e/employee 3.0 2.7 2.7 1.0 0.5

Scope 3 emission intensity

tCO2e/employee 25.8 1.5 4.7 11.0 18.5
Energy Consumption            
Total energy consumption kWh 5,727,911 5,357,539 5,499,106 5,597,014 5,574,982

From non-renewable sources

kWh * * * 1,879,141 864,293

From renewable sources

kWh * * * 3,717,873 4,710,689
Energy consumption intensity kWh/employee 7,011 6,370 6,249 5,848 5,569
Water Consumption            
Total water consumption m3 7,734 2,782 3,373 5,547 6,289
Water consumption intensity m3/employee 9.5 3.3 3.8 5.8 6.3
Waste Generation            
Total waste generated tonnes * 3.4 11.6 15.7 19.1
Materials Use            
Paper consumption million pieces 3.7 1.0 0.9 1.3 1.3
*  Information not available/measured in previous years. 
# Amount is less than 1 tCO2e.
1  Included in the calculation of total absolute emissions.
Metric Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total number of employees number 817 841 880 957 1,001
Current employees by gender            


% 46 45 45 46 46


% 54 55 55 54 54
Current employees by age group            

≤30 years old

% 24 27 22 24 21

31–40 years old

% 43 42 42 42 44

41–50 years old

% 20 20 23 22 23

>50 years old

% 13 11 13 12 12
Current employees by nationality            


% 60 60 58 62 61

Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs)

% 10 10 11 9 9

Other nationalities

% 30 30 31 29 30
Current employees by category & gender            

Senior Management



% * * 22 25 27


% * * 78 75 73




% * * 41 42 42


% * * 59 58 58




% * * 86 86 88


% * * 14 14 12
New hires by gender            


% * * 37 49 47


% * * 63 51 53
Turnover by gender            


% * * 41 46 42


% * * 59 54 58
Development & Training            
Average training hours hours/employee * * 31.8 29.8 35.0
Average training hours by gender            


hours/employee * * 32.4 30.4 36.2


hours/employee * * 31.3 29.4 34.1
Average training hours by category            

Senior Management

hours/employee * * 31.6 30.2 42.8


hours/employee * * 32.3 30.5 34.9


hours/employee * * 29.1 24.9 30.1
*  Information not available/measured in previous years.

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