
Formation of Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory Pte Ltd ("TLL")



Temasek Holdings, the National University of Singapore ("NUS") and the Nanyang Technological University ("NTU") jointly announce the setting up of Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory ("TLL"). TLL will be a research unit that will focus on molecular and genetic research in the broad fields of life sciences.

  1. This research unit will also leverage on the academic co-sponsorship of the two universities to develop the knowledge infrastructure and R&D human capital in Singapore for life sciences. To this end, both universities have agreements with TLL for the joint-appointment of their respective research scientists and other collaboration for research and teaching. Besides the universities, TLL is expected to have research collaboration with the Agri-food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore ("AVA") as well as actively work with other research institutes, hospitals and overseas companies for joint R&D projects with commercial potential.
  2. TLL will be launching a global recruitment drive for world-class research scientists to build its R&D capabilities in both basic and applied research through plant and animal models.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Temasek Holdings
Rachel Lin (Ms)
Manager, Corporate Communications
Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd
DID: (65) 6828-6766
Fax: (65) 6828-6266
Mobile: 9666-1855

National University of Singapore
Mabel Wong (Miss)
Senior Assistant Director
Corporate Communications/Media
National University of Singapore
DID: (65) 6874-2512
Mobile: 9784-9235

Nanyang Technological University
Lynn Lee (Ms)
Assistant Manager (Media)
Public Relations Office
Nanyang Technological University
DID: (65) 6790-6804

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