
Sustainability Perspectives and Insights


Sustainability Perspectives

Temasek regularly engages distinguished industry, policy, and thought leaders through our advisory panels and our network of corporate advisors to obtain broader insights and perspectives on business, financial markets, and global affairs. We also exchange ideas and share knowledge on a variety of topics with our partners and portfolio companies.

Temasek Sustainability Advisory Panel (TSAP)

The TSAP brings together eminent leaders with relevant sustainability policy, academic, and industry experience to further augment Temasek’s knowledge and provide relevant inputs in support of our sustainability strategy and development. The advisors provide market insights, engage with the Temasek ecosystem, and foster strong linkages to tackle sustainability-related challenges, such as climate change, nature conservation, and social inclusion.

In June 2023, our TSAP conversation focused on the themes of carbon markets and just transition in Asia. It provided valuable insights to shape our thinking and efforts around leveraging carbon markets as a complementary financing lever to channel capital towards hard-to-monetise opportunities. We also tapped on our TSAP advisors to gain a better understanding of the key levers to ensure a just and equitable transition in Asia.

In April 2024, we progressed the TSAP conversation to climate and ecosystem resilience, taking a deeper look into water and food resilience. This is particularly relevant against the backdrop of our ambition to build a resilient and forward-looking portfolio that delivers sustainable returns over the long term. The insights from the TSAP conversation will support our endeavour to systematically strengthen our contributions to net zero, nature positive, and inclusive growth.


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