
Temasek Trust: Celebrating 10 Years of Community Stewardship

We're able to uplift over 500,000 lives across Asia and Singapore because our community contributions are disbursed based on the twin pillars of sustainability and good governance.

Join us as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our endowment trustee, Temasek Trust, with this tribute video:

At Temasek, we set aside a portion of our returns above our risk-adjusted cost of capital for our communities. We use this money to seed endowments, and also establish new ones from time to time to tackle emerging needs in our community.

Temasek Trust was established in 2007 to independently provide financial oversight and governance of our philanthropic endowments and gifts. The Trust is responsible for the disciplined and sustainable disbursements of the endowments and gifts to Temasek’s six Foundations, which in turn are guided by their respective strategic thrusts and mandates to drive their community programmes.

Learn more about how we make a difference to our communities here.

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